Hello everyone,
Christmas has finally come! Here are a couple of helpful tips that I use to help Matthew during theholiday season:
- Always be aware of changes in routine, such as weather disturbances (storms, rainy days, full moons - the gravitational pull of the moon can affect people's mental health), so try to keep a steady routine, such as writing out a daily schedule, and make sure that
schedule gets updated on an up-to-date basis.
The chart I use for
Matthew and is recommended by his behavioral therapist is ChartJungle -
They have charts for
- Try to be involved in activities that keep that person interested. For example, a few years ago, when Matthew was acting up after Sunday worship service, I entertained Matthew with games that he had played at school. I used a dry erase board and marker playing word games like Hangman. Now, it doesn't have to be something that basic - if you know what he or she likes, such as a Parker Bros.® Board Game, use it to try
to entertain that person.
Please be in prayer for Matthew and for all autisitic children and adults as the
next New Year approaches! God bless you all and have a safe and wonderful season!